Turkey Trouble Review and Activities
Turkey Trouble !
Turkey Trouble by Wendi J. Silvano is a hilarious and unforgettable tale for Thanksgiving. Many people enjoy and look forward to the holidays, and for many in North America, Thanksgiving means sharing a big meal with friends and family – including a large turkey as the main dish. We would love to know what kinds of food you share and enjoy with your family! In the meantime, while you wait for Thanksgiving to arrive, we hope you’ll read this delightful romp with your students!
What happens when Turkey finds out that Thanksgiving is fast approaching? Why, trying to be anything but yourself, that’s what! Turkey tries dressing up as many different animals in this absolutely hilarious story. Your students will enjoy seeing this trouble turkey try on different identities! We loved that this story explores all the sounds and colors seen around the farm.
We know how much students enjoy sensory bins, and we think your classroom will just adore this fun turkey activity in your sensory corner this fall season. Add corn kernels to your bin, transfer corn back and forth! You can also add fall colored leaves and uppercase letters and lowercase letters – go ahead and have your students match them! You can also add fun and cute cutout turkeys!
Looking for a cute art activity all to do with turkeys? Look no further! This worksheet allows your students to get creative! Invite your students to decorate their turkeys with a fun costume to add a disguise!
This labeling activity is a great way for students to practice their cutting and pasting skills as well as learning and matching the names of different parts of a turkey! Add science to the mix, too! This would be an ideal time to show off turkey feathers or other interesting anatomy lessons.
Feather Math Mat
You can view all of these activities by following the link to our Begin with Books - Turkey Trouble pack! We hope you and your students enjoy these turkey activities and have a happy and safe fall season! Happy Thanksgiving!