Spookley the Square Pumpkin Book Review and Activities
Spookley the Square Pumpkin is the perfect addition to your classroom library this fall season. With autumn arriving and the days getting cooler and shorter, students will be eager to read this seasonal book! Spookley is, as stated in the title, a square pumpkin. That is, Spookley is different from other pumpkins. Spookley is very much unlike his circular comrades in the pumpkin patch. Students will learn the valuable lesson of being unique and different. This is a great teaching tool to learn about the things that make us alike and different.
Spookley-Themed Activities!!
1. Sensory bin:
Sensory Bins are one of our very favorite activities/corners to have in a classroom. Great for fine-motor skills and a place to explore different sensations, we suggest adding oats to your bins this fall! Why not add some 3D shapes, too? Try adding pumpkins which are excellent for stacking and balancing, and adding some preposition cards, too. Hands on practice with prepositions are sure to make a lasting impression with your students.
2. Pumpkin Stick Craft:
Looking for a good pumpkin craft? Try this fun and creative pumpkin stick craft. Glue together popsicle sticks (stick on back to hold in place) and color any colors. Students may decorate with googly eyes or other fun pieces like pom poms! You can invite students to use their imagination with this fun craft. Explore pumpkins and color!
3. Begin with Books Learning Pack.
Each Begin with Books Learning Pack focuses on a book and popular theme. You get fun and engaging math, literacy, art and science/social studies activities for your students. For pumpkin units, look no further than our fun Spookley the Square pumpkin pack! These packs have everything you could need for all centers in your classroom. Happy fall!