Teacher Summer Side Hustles
Super Summer Money-Making Ideas!
Teachers Pay Teachers
Summer months call for relaxing, sun-filled days, but also perfect opportunities to get a head start on planning the upcoming school year. Many teachers use TpT throughout the school year. Want to dust off one of your favorite literature guides or math worksheets that you created, support fellow teachers, and earn money for your work? TpT offers just that! Upload and share your documents directly through TpT for a totally remote experience. Easy-peasy!
Full guided reading unit for Kindergarten with 5 reading levels!
Editable labels for all of your classroom supplies!! Keep your classroom organized in a fun and colorful way!
10 super fun activities for the letter K! Perfectly created for kindergarteners, this kit contains a mini book, tracing practice, cutting pages to work on motor skills, a royal letter K crown, and much more!!
Article Writing
Sharing your knowledge with other teachers this summer through written word is an excellent way of both making connections and making money. Using sites like Textbroker and Zerys allows you to write articles to bring in extra income this summer. Did something help you make it through teaching in the pandemic? What are you looking forward to in the classroom next year? Have ideas about self-care during the summer? Support other education professionals with your words! Or tap into a non-education related skill, interest, or expertise and write on those topics! The beauty of freelance writing is YOU are in charge of what you report on, and how much of a workload you accept. Write on!!
Check out Zerys for freelance writing across multiple platforms and on whatever topic is your specialty! Get paid at competitive rates and keep your writing skills sharp!
Create on Etsy
Looking for a way to be creative this summer while also making a little extra cash? Why not create and sell on Etsy? Etsy allows makers of all kinds to sell their work at their own pace and price point. Whether it’s knitted or crocheted creations, bookmarks, jewelry, or anything else your creative mind comes up with, you can sell on Etsy this summer. So go ahead, crochet that blanket! Easily upload and sell your creations on Etsy. You create your products, name the price, and list your work. It's really that easy!
Savvy with vinyl? Try making custom tote bags!!
If you have sewing skills, book sleeves would be a great project!
Online Tutoring!
Looking for another way of earning some money this summer while also keeping your teaching chops strong? Online tutoring can help with that! Teachers can use the technical skills they perfected in this past unprecedented year of virtual learning. Teaching English to foreign and US students can be a great way of earning this summer, while also giving extra support to students. Many agencies require only a bachelor’s degree to do this, so no extra certifications are required. Check out companies like VIPKID, QKIDS, SayABC, and GOGOKID. Of course, if you're tired from being in virtual spaces for the past year, this may not be the ideal option for you.
I hope we have provided plenty of ideas for how to enjoy a relaxing summer while also having a primary or supplemental income! Connect with our social media outlets and let us know if there are any other creative ways to earn during the summer that you would recommend to fellow teachers!
Happy Summer to all of our teachers, and stay cool!!