August Book Round Up
It’s that time of year again — time to think about heading back to school! With a fresh, new school year just around the corner, we have gathered a bundle of our favorite books all about the big day. From first day jitters, to making new friends, missing home, finding your way in a new school, and so many more, these books are sure to find their reader, no matter how they might feel about going to school. We hope that these stories will help your classroom adjust and bring forth a bright new year ahead! Enjoy!
First Day of School:
The Kissing Hand
First Day Jitters
Hunters Best Friend at School
Miss Mingo and the First Day of School
Daniel Goes to School
The Pigeon HAS to Go to School
A New School for Charlie
Splat the Cat Goes Back to School
Clothesline Clues to the First Day of School
My Pocket Sloth Goes to School
If You Take a Mouse to School
Waiting Is Not Easy
The Kissing Hand is one of our very favorite stories about going to school for the first time. This sweet story follows Chester the raccoon who is quite nervous to go to school. That is, until Chester’s mother gives him a special surprise that Chester can take even to school with him. With this secret in hand, Chester feels more ready to take on his first day (well, night, since he’s a raccoon) at school. Tender, sweet, and sure to pull at your heartstrings, The Kissing Hand should be in the libraries in classrooms and homes alike.
Just like with Chester, many kids will feel those “First Day Jitters”, especially when it is their VERY first day of school ever! To help kids prepare for that special, yet daunting, day, why not have a storytime with unique activities to build excitement and positivity around this upcoming milestone! First Day Jitters by Julie Danneberg is wonderful choice to take on this theme. Be sure to spend quality time together with your little ones and whip up some refreshing Jitter Juice to go along with this wonderful picture book!!
The King of Kindergarten
Pirates Don’t Go to Kindergarten
Pete the Cat Rocking in My School Shoes
Pirates Don’t Go to Kindergarten:
Yo, ho, it’s a pirate’s life for Pirate Emma! It’s the very first day of kindergarten for Emma, but she’s not about to let that happen without putting up a pirate fight! With her faithful crew of pre-schoolers just down the hall, Pirate Emmy gets all of her mateys to agree to Kindergarten mutiny! An honest display of leaving behind a classroom you know and love and entering a new world — even one as big and scary as Kindergarten — this story will have your crew of swashbuckling buccaneers intrigued from the start! It’ll have teachers, students, and parents all asking “arrre you ready for kindergarten?”
Being Yourself:
Be Who You Are
Wemberly Worried
All Are Welcome Here
The Cool Beans
Your Name Is a Song
Our Class Is a Family
I Got the School Spirit
Riley Can Be Anything
In Be Who You Are, we are shown Todd Parr’s whimsical, vivid illustrations and silliness, while celebrating our individual selves and what makes each of us unique and special. This story encourages children to embrace who they are and be proud of anything that sets them apart from the crowd! For activities and educational resources to correspond with this wonderful picture book, hop over to our Teachers Pay Teachers page and check out our Learning Pack specially curated for Be Who You Are!
Davina Hamilton’s lyrical inspiration comes to life in Riley Can Be Anything, a story all about imagination and belief in ourselves! Riley isn’t quite sure what he wants to be when he grows up, but Riley’s cousin Joe reminds him that he can be anything he puts his mind to, anything he can dream of! So, Riley taps into his vibrant imagination and creativity and begins imagining all of the prospective careers he could have, told in a rhyming flow and brilliant illustrations. Be sure to pair this positive story with our Riley Can Be Anything Learning Pack!!
That’s our back-to-school roundup for you! We hope that your new school year is bright with possibilities! We are so thankful for all the hard work teachers and students alike put into a new year, and we hope that this will be a great start for everyone. Happy learning!